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Who Are Those Guys?!

Aug 23

NB: This is part of a series on Romantic Healthcare, setting out the foundational ideas of a system of healthcare based on vital nature and vital science. Each can be read independently, though it is recommended to read the introductory article, 'What If You Gave a Revolution and No One Came', first. Some articles refer to previous ones, so this can guide you to go and read these as well, either before or after the article you are on.

We’ve done a lot of travelling so far. Time to take a break and watch a movie. Find yourself a comfortable sofa, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

You may have seen the classic Western from 1969, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, about two infamous outlaws from the Wild West. What you probably didn’t know is that it’s also a movie about health and illness.

The two outlaws find themselves, after an audacious daylight robbery involving the Union Pacific Railroad, pursued by a shadowy foe. These pursuers turn out to be tenacious and relentless, undeterred by the vagaries of weather or terrain, determined not to rest until the outlaws are captured, ‘dead or alive’. Their orders come from the very top. Up to this point, the various local robberies by the two outlaws and their gang had resulted only in limited attempts by the local authorities to capture them, which they easily evaded, not least because of corrupt sheriffs and complicit local residents. However, this time it is different. Their decision to attack the powerful and influential railroad system, spanning the continent, and threatening its stability, provoked a more systematic and determined response, leading eventually to their dramatic demise. If you’re not familiar with the plot, you can find it here -

My favorite parts of the movie are the various times when, in the face of this unrelenting pursuit by an unknown force, Butch and the Kid look back hopefully after one of their many evasion tactics only to find their pursuers still hot on their trail, and each time ask incredulously, “Who are those guys?”

‘Those guys’, in the case of the living organism, are part of the innate power seeking always and everywhere to establish and maintain dynamic balance and optimal vital operation. This natural healing power never gives up, never has to say it is sorry, is relentless in its pursuit of health.

The vital healing action has several phases.

In the early or prodromal stage, the actions of the ‘outlaws’ (non-resonant stimuli) are local and localized. While these actions do have a local effect, these are not yet enough to disturb the bio-economy as a whole. There is a local effort mounted by the physiological control functions (officers of the law) and the mineralogical automatisms (posse) to correct the balance. This involves various localized excretions (posse giving chase).

However, if these are unsuccessful in actually apprehending the outlaws and restoring order, their actions tend to expand, and eventually strike at the system as a whole (the transcontinental railway system). This is the stage where the localized disturbance becomes a general state of disorder, provoking a more systematic response, known as inflammation (the head of the Union Pacific gets angry).

The manifestation of the inflammation may be localized, but the inflammatory action is nonetheless a systemic one, directed from the top and able to call upon the resources of the organism as a whole to remedy the cause(s) of the disorder. At this stage, it is still possible to do so (arrest the outlaws) and restore order. However, if this inflammatory action is unsuccessful, due to unfavorable factors - nutrient depletion (lack of a motivated posse), toxic attrition (corruption of local sheriffs) or other obstacles (well-hidden hide-outs, rugged terrain, etc.), the disorder becomes more and more ensconced in and disruptive of the bio-economy, setting up a chain of causation, reaching a peak, after which there is a period of seeming remission (Butch and the Kid hide out in town seeking amnesty from the local sheriff).

However, this period is but a prelude for the main act. In this period, the organism mobilizes its resources to deal with the ‘outlaws’ once and for all. This phase of intense pursuit is the conflict active phase. It leads to what appears to be a resolution, followed by an intense (epileptoid) crises - Butch and the Kid jump are trapped between the posse and a steep cliff and resolve the issue by jumping off the cliff and escaping ‘down under’ to Bolivia, resuming to a lesser degree their larcenous ways, but are tracked down by the relentless and indefatigable posse and with the help of additional conscripted forces (Bolivian army) finally close in on the two renegades who attempt to make a break for it, but are extirpated.

This is followed by a true resolution of the matter. This movie is captured in scientific terms by Dr. Hamer’s chart:

The various phases of the struggle between the causes of disturbance - nutrient depletion (bank robberies), toxic accretion (corrupting local law enforcement officials and gaining the assistance of local residents) and various other factors - and the vital power of the organism (natural therapeutics), are much the same phases in the case of rational therapeutics.

The removal of a given cause (in the chain of causation) stirs the systemic response of the vital power, previously blocked from effective action and resolution of the matter, in the form of the mobilization of existing and added resources: first, to break-down toxins, as well as damaged and morbid tissue, second to rebuild and replace with healthy tissue (via physiological and mineralogical balance). This healing reaction duplicates that in the case of illness, involving as well a ‘crisis’. This healing crisis comes at the point of maximum restorative action by the now unblocked and reinforced vital power (due to removal of causative factors, or obstacles), involving first a seemingly negative aspect, inflammation and discharge, followed quickly by a new level of vital operation and strength.

This healing crisis forms what appear to be bumps in the road, but is a critical part of the journey to health.

The main consideration here is to support restoration of physiological homeostasis and detoxification/renutrification at the biochemical level, adjusting remedial measures as the organism is restored. The healing crisis follows the life cycle of tension-charge-discharge-relaxation, and must be supported properly to ensure that there is a full orgonotic pulsation so as to produce full orgonotic potency (optimal vital energy production).

There are two therapeutic ideas in dealing with the crisis that must lie at the foundation of treatment: Maintaining the reduction [resolution phase] of the illness (by appropriate continuation of the radical therapy), and supporting the life-force in completing the necessary precipitations [e.g., of toxins] for full [tissue] restoration [Hamer] and to give the resolution phase itself stability and continuity. Were the latter to be neglected, the illness could indeed come to a crisis, though it would remain as before [undernourished & overtoxified], the critical improvement [renutrification] of the living powers [mitochondrial energization?] and [discharge of toxic] materials would not be completely carried out, and there would be an incomplete crisis. [Reich - climaxes without orgastic function] (Hufeland #42)

Should there be an incomplete crisis, a new illness, worse than before, can arise.Once through the healing crisis completely, the goal of remediation is to support convalescence through nutrient repletion and strengthening of the vital energy by various means, in particular via optimal mineral levels, ratios and patterns, the radical drivers of metabolism and energy production. Care must be taken in this stage nonetheless to avoid overloading or over-stimulating the organs. If that’s the case, time to rewind to the quieter parts of the film.

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